Why Point-of-Care Strep Testing Is Critical for Antibiotic Stewardship
The Importance of Proper Diagnosis for Strep A Infections
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, more...
The Importance of Proper Diagnosis for Strep A Infections
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, more...
People in the Northern Hemisphere look at the southern half of the globe for clues about the...
Respiratory season is on the way for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Looking at last season...
Rapid Detection of Respiratory Illness Can Slow Down Transmission & Hasten Preventive Action.
The ...
After an unprecedented infection season, Strep A finally on the decline in the UK
Residents in long-term-care facilities have been especially vulnerable to COVID-19 during the...
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Several years ago I took my young son to the doctor for a sore throat and was dumbfounded when he...